Hey wazup Welcome to my world. It may be boring but hey who's life isn't at one point or another

My name isBobby Hull I am 16 years old.

I was born on September 2,1983 which makes me a Virgo. I live in a small town and not much happens here so I almost live on the net.

I have a dear friend who got me started on the web and his name is James. (Semaj Transcon) I usually go by brhull, or hoops.
My friend has a great web site I will put up a link later.

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Beleive it or not I do have friends and they are not imaginary. One I have already talked about is James. He is pretty cool and is awesome with web sites. Another friend is Justin.

When I get the site from James and our mutual friend Justin I will more than likely set it up as a link because I think it is an awesome site.

If your in Yahoo chat and see a person continually say "The ship sails at dawn." well you found Jared a friend from school. He is a part of a band along with another friend named Patrick. The band is called REACH which means Reaching Everyone At all Costs for Him. They play christain music. It sounds awesome.
My friends.
My interests:
    I enjoy outside things.

I like sports especially basketball, football, and hockey. I play for the team at my school. The Eagles.I enjoy listening to music I always have a radio going listening to anything worth listening to.And I love being outrdoors. I love hiking,biking, camping, and wandering around exploring. But I love working with computers. That is what I plan to go to college for.

REACH band
An awesome band

[email protected]

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